

It is a geoinformational system designed for storing, viewing and analyzing various data received during the remote sensing of the terrain using UAVs.
The system is integrated and can interact with other software products. The information, received as a result of processing data in other applications, such as GeoGraphics or ChangeDetection, is transferred to 4Z1Local automatically.
Thus, you do not have to store data in different systems. 4Z1Local acts as a link between other products, accumulates all necessary data and allows working with it in one window.


It is a geoinformational system designed for storing, viewing and analyzing various data received during the remote sensing of the terrain using UAVs.
The system is integrated and can interact with other software products. The information, received as a result of processing data in other applications, such as GeoGraphics or ChangeDetection, is transferred to 4Z1Local automatically.
Thus, you do not have to store data in different systems. 4Z1Local acts as a link between other products, accumulates all necessary data and allows working with it in one window.
Up to 2 hours
Recognizing objects in images in GeoGraphics
Video streams from UAVs in real time
Detecting and classifying changes in ChangeDetection
Up to 24 hours
Analysis stages
Collecting, storing and viewing source data and the results of its analysis
Gas analyzer
The module is designed for storing and analyzing data (photos, videos, incident cards, flight tracks, geodata) uploaded into the system, grouping it by flights, viewing media and metadata, exporting and filtering it, changing objects, etc.
The module contains information about detected incidents, accidents and objects, received from various sources: ground control station, the GeoGraphics system, the ChangeDetection app etc. To analyze data, you can filter and group it, and watch its status and state.
4Z1Local consists of modules, each of which solves a certain task and can work both autonomously and in connection with other modules.

Click module name to find more information about it.
The module allows watching videos, streamed from one or several aerial vehicles, in real time directly at the 4Z1 user’s workplace.
The module is designed for storing and analyzing area orthomosaics of any size, laying them over a map, measuring various objects, exporting data, and visually comparing several orthomosaics of the same area taken at different times.
The module contains data about atmospheric composition of an area. It allows setting up a list of gases of your interest and their allowed concentration; analyzing data in different formats (cloud or numeric), measuring area of gas distribution, and filter data.
4Z1Local Modules


It is a global monitoring system, designed to constantly and timely observe and control air and ground equipment, control if the assigned tasks are being implemented, and interact with flight teams.


It is a global monitoring system, designed to constantly and timely observe and control air and ground equipment, control if the assigned tasks are being implemented, and interact with flight teams.
Tasks performed in 4Z1Global

4Z1 Advantages

Data safety
All data is encrypted and sent via secure communication channels User authentication and differentiation of access rights to data in the system ensures the confidentiality of information in accordance with the level of access, role and position.
Work 24/7
The system collects, stores, analyzes and gives you access to data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 4Z1 does not need a person to organize the received data and set access right levels.
Unified big data storage
The system stores and processes all types of data received as a product of aerial surveys as well as the results of processing it in other software products using AI. Users can access this data in one window.
Information systematization
Classifying and generating a structured data archive ensures quick access to the required information. Information is referenced according to various parameters: project or object, date and time, coordinates.
Cross-platform interface
4Z1 works at all platforms (desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones) and various operating systems (Windows, Linux, iOS and Android), which provides users with access to data from any device at any location.
User-friendly interface
Modern, minimalistic and intuitive interface is similar to that of Windows Explorer and other most popular image viewing and geospatial information applications.
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